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April 29, 2007

Make a Ginkgo puzzle

A French puzzle depicting a Ginkgo leaf design on the Carillon ambulant de Douai can be made online or you may download it.
There are many shape options (formes) to choose from, you can shuffle the pieces (meler) etc.
The puzzle can be found here. Enjoy!

April 25, 2007

Frost damage

I have a large ginkgo tree in my back yard in Kentucky. This year we had several days of freezing temperatures in early April, after the leaves had begun. The leaves died, and now, three weeks later, the entire tree is still full of brown leaves. Will there be a second set of leaves this year? Will the tree live without leaves? I love my large gingko, so beautiful in the fall with its yellow leaves. I hope it will survive.
Question by Marcia Darnell

April 24, 2007

Updates of my homepage The Ginkgo Pages

* Added guestbook.
* New photo photospecial page: Ginkgo seedling splits at the top.

April 23, 2007

Ginkgo bonsai and moss

I just acquired a bonsai Ginkgo tree about 25 yrs old perhaps.. it seems to have been heavily pruned to keep it short... and has moss on its trunk and branches... especially where it has been pruned. Although I seal the wounds.
Usually in Seattle, moss grows on everything, and is thought to be harmless. Does anyone care to comment on whether it is harming the tree? I have taken to removing it with a toothbrush, but really dont want to scrub too much. I would leave it, if it is not harmful.
Question by Richard Pauli, Seattle

April 21, 2007

Ginkgo pendulo in Uruguay?

Hola, soy uruguaya y necesito conseguir algun ejemplar de ginkgo pendulo, es posible? donde? los pendulos son injertados? Agradezco si alguien me puede responder.
Question by Silvia.

April 18, 2007

Updates of my homepage The Ginkgo Pages

* Added photo of Ginkgo wood carving by Will Schropp on Art-page and Wood-page.
* Added fossil photo from David Scarboro: Cretaceous (Duingen, Germany).

April 16, 2007

Hoe Ginkgo boom te verhuizen

Wij hebben een mooie Gingko in onze tuin. Staat er nu zo'n 8 jaar. >Was 2 meter toen wij hem planten en is nu circa 6 meter hoog.
Wij gaan nu verhuizen en vragen ons af of we onze mooie boom kunnen meeverhuizen!
De boom staat in zandgrond met zuidwest ligging. Onze nieuwe tuin ligt ook op zuidwest.
Is het mogelijk en hoe pakken wij dit aan? Graag tips!!!!
Vraag van Ingrid.

April 13, 2007

Seeds for Mexico City?

Hello, I live in México City, do you know were i can get/buy ginkgo seeds?
Question by Duran.

April 07, 2007

Ginkgo and sun in Tokyo, Japan

"The ginkgo trees in Jingu Gaien, or the outer garden of Meiji Jingu have turned yellow. Not only the trees but also the street were tinged orange by the afternoon sun."
More photos here.

April 02, 2007

Oiling Ginkgo wooden cutting board?

Hello, I purchased a cutting board (chopping board) made of gingko wood when I was in Japan a few years ago. I wonder if I should be oiling the board like I would with other wooden cutting boards? (The information that came with the board was in Japanese, so I’m not sure what it said!).
Thanks and great job on a very interesting website.
Question by Carrie & Guy

April 01, 2007

Updates of my homepage The Ginkgo Pages

* Added novel by Oek de Jong on Literature-page.
* Added topic: Ginkgo plantation in New Zealand.