November 30, 2005
November 29, 2005
Ginkgo pruning
How and when to prune my Ginkgo tree? A question often asked.
Tell us your experiences, advice and react!
Ginkgo tree in the tropics?
The Ginkgo is a tree that grows well in temperate and subtropic climates. But is it possible to grow it in the tropics as well? Send your questions, reactions, experiences!
November 28, 2005
Ginkgo National Tree of China

The Ginkgo has long been under national protection and is now about to become the national tree of China. According to a nationwide public opinion poll conducted by the Chinese Society of Forestry through mail and Internet voting, 1.77 million of the 1.79 million people, nearly 99 per cent, chose the Ginkgo, "world's No. 1 living fossil", the "Giant Panda of Plantae". The final decision will be made after the National People's Congress reviews the result.
November 25, 2005
Where can I buy Ginkgo seeds?
On the FAQ-page of my homepage I mention several addresses, but no doubt there are many more.
If you know Ginkgo seeds sellers in your area then mention them by clicking on "comments" (under this post) and fill in the then appearing form. Mention the sellers's name, address, country and if you have personal experience with the firm give it a rating: 1-10 (0 = bad; 10 = excellent). Thank you!
Where can I buy a Ginkgo tree?
On the FAQ-page of my homepage I mention several addresses, but no doubt there are many more.
If you know Ginkgo tree sellers in your area then mention them by clicking on "comments" (under this post) and fill in the then appearing form. Mention the sellers's name, address, country and if you have personal experience with the firm give it a rating: 1-10 (0 = bad; 10 = excellent). Thank you!
November 23, 2005
Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving with a smile of Ginkgo leaves! I found this remarkable photo on the site of Baylor School in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Happy Thanksgiving to you all! (Click on photo for enlargement.)
November 22, 2005
Updates of my homepage The Ginkgo Pages
- Added email by reader about cleaning of the seeds on Propagation-page.
- Three new recognitions:, Kennislink and Davindi.
November 21, 2005
November 20, 2005
November 18, 2005
Gilbert & George Ginkgo Pictures
Last September I visited the Venice Biennale in Venice, Italy, and took photos of the Ginkgo Pictures by Gilbert & George, some are below .

Gilbert & George, feted among Britain's best-known contemporary artists, represented Britain at the 51st Venice Biennale of International Art 2005 and presented for their exhibition in the British Pavilion: GINKGO PICTURES. Why Ginkgo? G&G: "It represents something bigger, like the sun and the moon." New York Times: "The Tate in London bought "Fates," the show's centerpiece, for more than $350,000. Using sophisticated digital editing techniques, the artists have created a series of pictures, each of which contains the leaves of a Ginkgo tree, the symbol of life. They are posterlike works that include photo realist images of the artists themselves in a variety of poses making a variety of faces."
More photos on my website: click here.

November 15, 2005
Ginkgo: other subjects
Post your question and/or comment about various subjects relating to the Ginkgo tree.
Ginkgo propagation
Post your question and/or comment about Ginkgo propagation.
I have collected many seeds and cleaned them.. I put them in the vegetable drawer of my fridge in a sealed container with some slightly moistened peat moss. Early spring I let them germinate, I have many seedlings already from previous years, but I only have a rather small garden....
Ginkgo tree
Post your question and/or comment about the Ginkgo tree.
Here in the Netherlands where I live winter is getting near and the Ginkgos here are showing their beautiful golden leaves. There's a big difference though between individual trees, some are still green, others are yellowing or are completely yellow or even lost their leaves. A beautiful time to make photos!
Post locations of Ginkgo trees in your area
Please post locations of Ginkgo trees in your area. Then I can add them to my Where-pages on my homepage, thanks!
Cor Kwant
Welcome to The Ginkgo Pages Blog

Feel free to post a message on this blog belonging to my homepage The Ginkgo Pages.
I mention above what this blog is about.
Cor Kwant