December 21, 2006
December 20, 2006
Old Guestbook The Ginkgo Pages
Please write your comment below. Thank you!
New guestbook: click here.
Following are some examples from the latest entries from my old guestbook:
Name: John Whiters
Date: 12 9, 2006 - 4:19 pm
Message: Thanks for all the work you put into this site. It is excellent.
Name: Victor
Date: 12 7, 2006 - 5:00 pm
Message: Keep up the good work
Name: M. Ciolfitto
Date: 12 4, 2006 - 7:42 am
City + country: Beijing, China
Interested because: Checking info on a student's report
Message: I am both intrigued and impressed by your website. As a teacher, I admire the interactive nature of the site. To be honest, I wasn't really interested in the tree itself, but the nature of the site hooked me in. Congatulations!
Name: Andrea Strnad
Date: 12 4, 2006 - 12:00 am
City + country: Santa Fe Argentina
Message: Preciosa web sobre el Ginkgo Biloba! smilie Intersante como guía de consulta, yo tengo un inscipiente bonsai... smilie Gracias!
Name: dan
Date: 12 3, 2006 - 2:36 pm
City + country: new brunswick, Canada
Message: Very informative! I was not aware of any of this . I simply was looking to see if what they say about it's ability to help the brain was true. I ended up learning so much more, Thank you
Name: Sofia Vanegas
Date: 12 2, 2006 - 9:50 pm
City + country: Londres Inglaterra
Interested because: I love Ginkgos
Message: Estoy feliz por haber encontrado su pagina. Me encantan los Ginkgos y me gustaria encontrar semillas para plantar unos arboles. He encontrado arboles en los parques y en las calles pero nunca he visto las semillas. En el jardin de una amiga nacio un arbol y ella no sabe como llego la semilla. Ahora que he leido su estudio, entiendo como tuvo lugar. Pero, donde encontrare semillas? Lo felicito por su estudio, gracias por su gran aporte a la propagacion de este hermoso arbol
Perdoname por no usar las tildes.
Name: Daniel Nolan
Date: 12 1, 2006 - 4:42 pm
City + country: Lake Greenwood, SC
Interested because: my favorite tree
Message: Thank you so much for your dedication to an awesome tree, I read about your website in the New York Times. The ginko has been my favorite tree since I saw it in Longwood Gardens, covered with gold leaves, from then on I visited the tree to watch it in all seasons. 15 years later I am a landscape designer- which I undoubtedly owe to a single tree- and now I plant ginko trees in almost every project I install, my thank you to a beautiful and definitely sacred tree.
Name: Lucía
Date: 12 1, 2006 - 4:37 pm
City + country: Mérida, España
Interested because: I'm going to my housework and i find this page
Message: THANKS, I have a 10 in Sciences now
Name: Wilma Prins-Halfwerk
Date: 12 1, 2006 - 11:55 am
City + country: Deventer, Nederland
Interested because: al 21 jaar een Ginkgo Biloba in de voortuin
Message: al 21 jaar staat er een Ginkgo Biloba in onze voortuin. De boom komt al boven ons huis uit. Elk jaar kijk ik uit naar de bloei, maar dit is nog niet gebeurd. Door het zachte najaar kon dit jaar de boom mooi goudgeel kleuren voordat de bladeren afvielen. De voorgaande jaren vielen ze meestal af voordat ze goudgeel kleurden. Dan vroor het een nacht stevig en vielen de bladeren in 1 keer af.
Een mooie boom!!!
Name: Mrs. M.T.S
Date: 11 30, 2006 - 11:22 pm
City + country: Englishtown
Interested because: Bad odor
Message: Peace onto you.
I walk to work everyday. As the weather changed I began to smell this bad odor as I walked pass this tree. When I got to work I brought a leave to show my co worker. I asked her did she know the name of the tree. Also told her I picked up one of the seed but it had a very very bad odor.
She agreed with the smell but could not tell me the name of the tree. Today to my surprise walking back from the post office I noticed the same tree. I walked into the chamber of commerce office which was just a few feet away and ask the manager did she know the name of the tree; she did. Told me Ginko Biloba. So I came home put the name in search and found you. Thank you for the understanding. I will use your site to try to grow a couple of seeds I picked up with it's bad odor,smile
Mrs. M.T.S
Date: 11 30, 2006 - 11:06 pm
City + country: RIO BUENO, CHILE
Name: theo huber
Date: 11 30, 2006 - 2:32 pm
City + country: beregeijk Nederland
Interested because: ik heb een ginkgo boom 8 meter
Message: Mooie website, heel informatief, was benieuwd naar de boom want een tuinman gaf mij de naam en als bijnaam de venijnboom, familie van de coniveer !!??
G de bladeren eens gebruiken voor thee en de zaden roosteren.
Met dank voor uw info op de site
M. vr. gr. Theo Huber
Name: Ed Kirchner
Date: 11 26, 2006 - 2:25 am
City + country: Green Springs, Ohio, USA
Interested because: My wife's excitement
Message: smilie My wife of 19 yrs came home today super excited. We moved to my hometown in Ohio last year and while in a park in town she discovered a Ginko tree with fruit on the ground. Much to the surprise of the neighbors, she began to collect the "smelly" fruit. She brought them home, cleaned them, and fried them. Quite tasty. Being a little nervous about eating something I'm not used to, I looked on the internet. Your site is most informative. Could you tell me, should the fruit be eaten in moderation, or is it completely safe. Thanks. Oh, by the way I forgot to mention my wife is from Korea. She had been looking for Ginko trees since she came to the USA 19 years ago. Thanks again.
Name: TheAmosfamily
Date: 11 26, 2006 - 2:15 am
City + country: Auckland.
Interested because: We have just been given a Ginkgo !tree
Message: My husband and I have just spent this morning digging out an established ginkgo tree,my husband is now re-planting it in our garden. So..while he's doing that, I'm checking out these pages!
Please send out some kind thoughts to our Ginkgo...We will do everything in our power to make sure it thrives,
Kindest regards, Cheryl
December 19, 2006
December 17, 2006
December 15, 2006
Updates of my homepage The Ginkgo Pages
* New topic: Exhibition 'Dino jaws' and Ginkgo.
* New photo photospecial page: Merry Xmas - Happy 2007!
* Deleted my guestbook. Please use my Forum-blog for your questions and comments.
December 13, 2006
Old Ginkgo in Lion Forest Garden, China

A 400-years-old Ginkgo tree in the classical Lion Forest Garden in Suzhou, east China's Jiangsu Province. Leaves have turned yellow in the early winter and attracted a lot of visitors.
More photos and info here.
December 12, 2006
Updates of my homepage The Ginkgo Pages
* Added photos of Ginkgo in North Carolina, France, Spain, UK, Mexico, Switzerland, Italy and Serbia.
December 09, 2006
Ginkgo Christmas Quilt

Embroider your own Ginkgo Christmas tree! The Ginkgo leaf is a favorite of Ann Fahl because she discovered them in her favorite place, Winona Lake, IN! This pattern uses a stylized Ginkgo leaf that is fused and arranged in rows to create a realistic Christmas tree, on a plain bordered background.
Read more here and here.
December 05, 2006
December 04, 2006
Ginkgo at exposed site Chesapeake Bay?
I live in a very exposed site on the Chesapeake Bay, Maryland, USA. Winter winds out of the north and summer winds from the south strike the property unimpeded and exceed 40 knots several times a year. I'd like to plant a couple ginkgo bilobas but worry that, with their height, they won't stand up to the blows. Any thoughts?
December 03, 2006

A Tree Grower's Diary
Ginkgo Biloba and Kentucky Coffeetree
Growing Trees From Seed:
A Journal by Julie Walton Shaver
y Julie Walton Shaver
Julie writes: "I have never grown trees from seed before, so a reader, Bruce, sent me seeds of Ginkgo Biloba and Kentucky Coffeetree so that I could learn, and you could learn with me as I go. I am using Bruce's advice, plus the treasure trove of information found on Cor Kwant's Ginkgo Pages to get me started. PHASE 1: Today I prepared the seeds....." Read much more about the sprouting of the seeds here.