January 27, 2008
January 23, 2008
Updates of my homepage The Ginkgo Pages
* Update of my page about the "Seven Worthies of the Bamboo Grove and Rong Qiqi" with new pictures.
January 22, 2008
Ginkgo stained glass lamp shade

Each panel is made 6 times and will produce a continuous pattern around the lamp.
More details on the website of Chantal's stained glass.
January 20, 2008
Ginkgo embroidery design

different sizes on the website of Embroidery Library.
January 17, 2008
Updates of my homepage The Ginkgo Pages
* Added on my Art-page: Chinese Ningbo cabinet with Ginkgo trees (Villa Ephrussi de Rothschild).
* New photo photospecial page: Old Ginkgo tree in Simsbury, Conn., USA.
January 15, 2008
Antagon theater: Ginkgo, a 360° show

“Ginkgo“ is a fast-paced, outdoor production, with room for poetic and sensible moments, but also with fire, hanging performances, live music and action-theatre that creates large images.
Read more here.
Eine 360° Platzbespielung.
Der Ginkgo-Baum war nach dem Atombombenabwurf in Hiroshima ein verkohlter Stumpf, der aufbrach und wieder zum Leben erwachte. Dieser Baum gibt der neuen antagon Produktion ihren Namen. Im futuristischen Bühnenbild kämpft eine Gruppe menschlicher Wesen ums Überleben und findet die lebensbejahende Kraft, den Keim der Hoffnung und die Quelle zum Wachsen und Blühen. Ginkgo - eine rasante Outdoor-Performance mit poetischen und sensiblen Momenten, Feuer, hängenden Inszenierungen, Live-Musik und Aktionstheater, das große Bilder schafft.
January 13, 2008
January 08, 2008
Ginkgo photos: Auxerre, France

January 07, 2008
January 04, 2008
Updates of my homepage The Ginkgo Pages
* Added on my Art-page: 4 photos of Jugendstil-Art Nouveau buckles with Ginkgo leaf motif (from the collection of Dr. Karl Kreuzer).
* Added topic: Ginkgo and Pseudotribos robustus picture.