May 24, 2012
May 18, 2012
Ginkgo in Parque Ecológico Xochitla, Mexico
Panorama photo of a Ginkgo tree in Parque Ecológico Xochitla, located three km outside the city of Tepotzotlán, in the northwest area of Mexico city.
The park of 70 hectares has about 7,000 species of trees and other plants . It is considered one of the most important projects to nature conservation at the Central Mexico’s Valley.
Panorama photo by Manuel Vega Velazquez.
May 11, 2012
Therizinosaurs and Ginkgo trees
Prehistoric life: Therizinosaurs are a strange offshoot of the theropod dinosaurs. Although most Mesozoic theropods were carnivorous, Therizinosaurs were herbivores.
Their large, sickle-shaped claws (which give the group its name: Greek therizo meaning “to cut” or “to reap” and sauros meaning “lizard”) were probably used to pull down tree branches much like the claws of extinct giant ground sloths.
Illustration (and large format of this illustration) : John Meszaros.
May 04, 2012
Ginkgo forest in Taiwan

Because the roots of tea trees are rather short, the planting did not meet the Water & Soil Conservation Law. People and the government encouraged afforestation, planted the Ginkgo trees, and now the area of Ginkgo trees reaches over 80 hectares. It has become the largest Gingko forest area in Southeast Asia.
Photo by fanedison on