April 27, 2006
April 23, 2006
Updates of my homepage The Ginkgo Pages
* Added Ginkgo fossil photo: Paleocene (North Dakota). Also on Spanish page.
April 20, 2006
Remove basal chichi?
We planted a male ginkgo about 5 years ago; it was over 8 feet tall when we planted it. Last summer it put up three basal chichi (as I now know they are called.)
Should we remove these? If not, what should we expect from them? Do they mean the tree has been under stress?
If we remove them, how should we do it? Can we dig down and remove them with some root material and will they then become a new tree? Could they be rooted if there is no root material on them? Will removing them hurt the parent tree?
I love this tree and wanted a ginkgo for years. Now it is my pride and joy and I want to do the best thing for it.
Topic by Demaris Frantz, Upstate New York, zone 5/6
April 18, 2006
Updates of my homepage The Ginkgo Pages
* Added Ginkgo fossil photo: Late Cretaceous. Also on Spanish page.
April 17, 2006
Female Ginkgo tree seller?
Need to find a source for a female Ginkgo tree, not grafted, to be planted in Western Mass, USA. Suggestions?
Topic by Les Vivian.
April 16, 2006
Ginkgo with lanterns in Beijing

This photo was taken near one of the eight temples in Badachu at the outskirts of Beijing, China.
People hang small lanterns in this centuries old Ginkgo on which they write messages of love and good wishes.
More photos here.
April 15, 2006
April 11, 2006
Updates of my homepage The Ginkgo Pages
* Added to Spanish Art-picture gallery: Ariel Palacio, Giorgio Armani, Art Nouveau stamp.
* Added to Art-picture gallery: Ariel Palacio, Giorgio Armani, Art Nouveau stamp.
Use of Ginkgo leaves
Beautiful site!! Can somenone tell me if it"s possible (ok it is..) and recommendable to use the leaves of my own tree ( 25 years old). And for what can I use them. Please give me some advise en recipes. Thanks.
Topic by Wilma Hartman.
April 09, 2006
April 07, 2006
Updates of my homepage The Ginkgo Pages
* Added photo of Ginkgo biloba 'Lakeview'.
* On this page (readers for readers) many new photos.
* New photo photospecial page: Ginkgo in Reading, UK.
April 02, 2006
Updates of my homepage The Ginkgo Pages
* Added Fossils-page in Spanish language. Translation Eduardo Arancibia Diaz, gracias!
* New recognitions: Botanical Society of America + Florida Museum of Natural History.